Diana 'Bobo' on Magazine Shoot

Diana bobo dergi çekiminde

İcemodelmgmt Our agency is the pioneer of all the organizations, shootings, events, series and movie mannequin teams in Turkey and abroad.
Our agency Diana, with her success and beauty and dazzling, plain beauty, has taken her more successful signature in a magazine shooting with her beauty.
With the beauty of our beautiful model, the sweetness of being a sweet-tongue, the 'BOBO' magazine footage is easily entertaining.
Our model was able to fill the eye with the attire and posture it carries. I congratulate you as Ice Model Managemet for having an easy day with the ease in Diana's footage, which gives you the right of model and beauty with effective exposure poses.
Diana Features :
Height: 1.79
Bust: 83
Waist: 59
Basen: 89
Foot: 40
Eye: Green-Blue
Hair: Red
Size: 36
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